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At Strähle, we consider that interdisciplinary work in networks is a part of successful and holistic corporate activity. We have made a conscious decision to be a member of the networks named below in order to contribute actively to a sustainable structure for our working and living environments.
A number of leading companies in the field of office and product design have joined together to found Forum Office Acoustics. Their motto is “Working together to achieve better acoustics in offices”. They are headed by acoustics experts from Akustikbüro Oldenburg and Hörzentrum Oldenburg, and their aim is to support employers, facility managers, building project clients and architects in planning acoustically optimized offices. Besides developing innovative concepts and plans and giving overall advice on acoustically optimized offices, they focus on quality standards and aspects of research into psychological impact.
european network architecture, ena in short, is an interdisciplinary network of architects, engineers and leading companies, and encompasses all aspects of planning and building. Using the know-how of the specialists involved, the members of the ena network plan and discuss innovative new solutions regarding building and construction, analyse them together and develop them in working groups. The network, set up as an organisation, won the bronze Cluster Award for its work in 2016.
Making office buildings healthier and more economical, and putting this into practice - that is the aim of the "MY FUTURE OFFICE" research project.
This unique research project regards all relevant health aspects and sustainability criteria to do with office buildings. The aspects studied include improving staff efficiency by reducing toxins, and creating a motivating work environment with the aid of optimum acoustics as part of high-quality process management. The project was initiated by Sentinel Haus Institut in cooperation with Rhineland TÜV (Technical Inspection Association); Strähle Raum-Systeme is a project partner supporting the network together with industrial companies.